DBMS Practice terms and concepts
1. Define Data .
2. Define Information .
3. Differentiate between data and information .
4. Explain the term Field .
5. Explain the term Record .
6. Explain the term file .
7. What is a database ?
8. Explain the term DBMS .
9. What are the components of database system ?
10. Enumerate the major responsibilities of data Administrator ?
11. Differentiate between data Administrator and Database Administrator .
12. What is schema ?
13. What is instance ?
14. What is mapping ?
15. Discuss two advantages of Physical Data Independence .
16. Define data model .
17. list two major advantages of conceptual modeling .
18. Explain the term Entity .
19. What is entity set ?
20. Write the uses of entity sets .
21. What is a relationship type ?
22. Write the uses of E-R model .
23. What is abstraction ?
24. Explain uses of abstaction .
25. Explain data integration .
26. List two major advantages of network Data model .
27. Define the term Relation .
28. Explain uses of foreiegn key .
29. What is domain ?
30. Diffentiate between relation algebra and relational calculas .
31. What is function dependency ?
32. Explain BCNF with an explain .
33. Describe 4NF with an example .
34. What is view ?
Explain views in SQL.
35. Differentiate between DDL and DML.
36. Define query processing .
37. Define Query optimization .
38. What is concurrency ?
39. What is database ? What are the objectives of database ? Also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of database .
40. What is data base system ? Discuss the main objectives of any database system also .
41. What is file processing system ? What are the disadvantages of a file processing system over database system ?
What do you mean by traditional file based system ? What are the limitations of the file processing system / file approach ?
42. What is DBMS ? outline all the functions performed by a DBMS .
Explain DBMS functions with suitable examples .
43. What are the main / common facilities that every DBMS should provide ? Explain .
44. What do you mean by DBMS ? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of DBMS ?
45. Explain the role of DBA .
Explain database administrator briefly with suitable examples .
Discuss duties of database administrator with examples .
What do you mean by database administration (DBA) ? Explain the responsibilities of DBA ?
What are the responsibilities / function of Database administrator (DBA) ?
46. what do you mean by database language ? explain .
Explain DBMS languages briefly with suitable examples .
47. What do you understand by a Query language ? Distinguish between DDL , DML and DCL . Explain any two DDL & DML commands using suitable examples .
48. Explain components of DBMS .
49. Explain the three- level architecture of DBMS with the help of an example .
discuss architecture of DBMS with an example .
What do you mean by Database system architecture ? Explain in detail .
Describe the architecture of a database system .Why a database is described to be an integrated one ?
50. what is data independence and why is it important ?
Describe Data independence with examples .
What do you mean by Data independence ? also explain logical and physical data independence .
51. what is the difference between physical and logical data independence ?
52. Explain client server architecture to DBMS .
Explain client server architecture .
53. What is centralized DBMS ? How is it useful and used ? Explain its disadvantages with examples .
54. Define the term data model . Explain different types of data model with examples .
55. Describe object-based data model with examples .
56. What is ER diagram ? Draw the ER diagram of library management system .
57. What is ER diagram ? Draw the ER diagram of school management system .
58. Define the term E-R diagram . Explain the various types of relationships in a E-R diagram . Draw an E-R diagram . Draw an E-R diagram for taking your own example .
59. Write note on Data abstraction and data Integrity / Integration .
60. Define the term 'data model ' . Explain Hierarchical model in detail .
61. Differentiate between network model and Hierarchical model .
62. Discuss database relations and their properties with examples .
63. What do you mean by key ? Explain different types of key with suitable example .
Example various types of keys with suitable examples .
What do you mean by key ? Explain in detail the different types of keys .
64. Explain integrity constraints . Describe their importance .
65. What are the various operators in relational algebra ? Explain with examples .
66. Define normalization . How is it useful and used ? Explain by giving Examples, the conditions that are necessary for a relation to be in 1NF , 2NF , 3NF , BCNF .
Define normalization . Explain by giving examples , the conditions that are necessary for a relation to be in 1NF , 2NF , 3NF , BCNF , 4NF .
What is normalization ? How is it used and useful ? {you may go up to 3NF} .
What is normalization ? Explain the different types of normalization with suitable example .
67. Write short note on various types of functional dependencies with Examples .
68. "No Loss decomposition is an aid to relational data base design " . Is it true ? If yes them justify it through an appropriate examples .
69. What is SQL? Example its use , purpose and importance through appropriate examples .
70. What is Query processing ? How is it used and useful ? Discuss its Strategies with Examples .
71. Explain Query optimization briefly with examples .
72. what is database security ? Why is it important ? Also discuss the various security ? Why is it important ? also Discuss the various security issues .
Explain database security briefly with examples .
73. What is concurrency control ? how is it implemented ? Explain .
74. Explain database recovery briefly with examples .
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