Artificial intelligence and knowledge management
June 2018
Q1 Evaluate the following LISP expressions
(i) (greaterp 18 151 76)
(ii) (reverse ((p q) r (s t))
(iii) (list 'a '(b c))
(iv) (cadadr '(x (y z) 1))
(v) (append 'a '(b c d)
Q2 Translate the following statements into WFF :
(i) Every person has a mother
(ii) There is a man and he is father of Joe
Q3 ) Discuss "Chinese Room Test". How did the outcomes of the Chinese Room Test contribute in the development of machine intelligence?
Q4 Differentiate between single agent and multi-agent environment.
Q5 Discuss the components of conceptual graph. Transform the following conceptual graph into FOPL statement :
[PERSON : Anita] E- (AGENT) 4-- [DRINK]
—> (OBJECT) —> [FOOD : MILK] -->
(Instrument Glass)
—> (OBJECT) —> [FOOD : MILK] -->
(Instrument Glass)
Q6 (b) Write short notes on any four of the following :
(i) Prenex normal form
(ii) Skolemization
(iii) Clausal form
(iv) Resolution
(v) Unification
Q7 What is an Expert System ? Explain the architecture of an Expert System. Create an expert system to infer, whether a student has secured poor, good, average or excellent marks in the examinations.
Q8 Write A* algorithm. Briefly discuss any application area of A* algorithm.
Q9 Briefly describe the components of "Truth Maintenance System (TMS)".
Q10 Differentiate between the following
a) Monotonic reasoning and Non-Monotonic reasoning
b) Predicate logic and Propositional logic
c) Supervised learning and Unsupervised learning
c) Supervised learning and Unsupervised learning
Give suitable examples, expressions and diagrams, while differentiating.
Q11 Write short notes on any two of the following :
(i) Turing Test
(ii) Semantic Nets
(iii) Frames
(i) Turing Test
(ii) Semantic Nets
(iii) Frames
Q12 Write a short not on the following :
(i) Lambda Function
(ii) Mapcar Function
(iii)Cond Function
(i) Lambda Function
(ii) Mapcar Function
(iii)Cond Function
Q13 Write a program in Prolog to identify the following relations :
(i) Grandfather (X, Y)
(ii) Sister (X, Y)
Develop appropriate knowledge base and write the rule applicable to the knowledge base.
(i) Grandfather (X, Y)
(ii) Sister (X, Y)
Develop appropriate knowledge base and write the rule applicable to the knowledge base.
Q14 Write a program in LISP to find the factorial of a number, entered by the user. Give comments in the program to explain your logic.
Q15 What do you understand by the term "Fuzzyfication" ? Define Fuzzyfunction
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