
Sunday, September 30, 2018

Accountancy and Financial Management-Practice Questions


Question 1
(a) “Describe various ratios that are likely to help management of a manufacturing company forming an opinion on the solvency position of business.
(b) Under what circumstances may NPV and IRR give conflicting recommendations? Which criteria should be followed in such circumstances and why? 
Question 2
What is meant by working capital management? What factors would you like to take into consideration in estimating the working capital requirement of a concern? Discuss the repercussions if a firm has inadequate working capital. 
Question 3
Write short notes on the following:
(a) Provision for bad and doubtful debts
(b) Interest on Capital
(c) Provision for discount on Creditors
(d) Treatment of abnormal loss in final accounts 

Question 4
Following are the balance sheets of a limited company as on 31st December, 2016 and 2017.

Share Capital
P & L A/c
Bills payable
Loan(Long term)





Taking into account the following additional information, you are required to prepare funds flow statement and statement of changes in working capital.
(a) Rs. 8,000 was paid as dividend during the year.
(b) Depreciation on Furniture was charged Rs. 4000 and on Building, it was Rs.3000.

Software Engineering-Practice Question


Question 1:
Assume that you are assigned responsibility of developing an Academic Counselor Information System (ACIS). ACIS will have all necessary fields that are essential for storing information about each and every academic counselor of the University Programme Wise, Course Wise, Regional Center Wise, Study Center Wise. Also, there should be provision for inclusion of Aadhar Card Number of every academic counselor and it is mandatory to include the Aadhar Card Number to apply as Academic Counselor. Stake holders should be in a position to generate reports etc. Make necessary assumptions.
For developing ACIS as specified above,
(a) Which SDLC paradigm will be selected. Justify your answer.
(b) List the functional and non-functional requirements.
(c) Estimate cost.
(d) Estimate effort.
(e) Develop SRS using IEEE format.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Discrete Mathematics-Practice Questions



Question 1: Give an example of a second order linear homogenous recurrence relation with constant coefficients.

 (a): Find the order and degree of the following recurrences relation. Which of the following belongs to the linear homogenous recurrence relation with constant coefficient?

(i) 𝑓n = 𝑓n-1 + 𝑓n-2
(ii) 𝑎n =5𝑎n-1 + 𝑛3
(iii) 𝑎n =𝑎n-1 + 𝑎n-2 +…. 𝑎0

 (b): Solve the following recurrences relation
i) Sn = 2Sn-1

ii) Find an explicit recurrence relation for minimum number of moves in which the 𝑛-disks in tower of Hanoi puzzle can be solved! Also solve the obtained recurrence relation through an iterative method.

Question 2: Draw 2-isomorphic graphs and 3 non- isomorphic graphs on five vertices.

Question 3: Prove that the complement of 𝐺 is 𝐺.

Question 4: Find λ(𝐺), when 𝐺 is a Peterson graph.

Question 5: Write the expression for a linear homogenous recurrence relation with constant coefficients of degree 𝐾 and explain the basic approach to solve it.

Question 6: Draw the following graphs and state which of following graph is a regular graph?

(i) 𝐶5 (ii) 𝑊5 (iii) 𝑄4 (iv) 𝐾5,5 (v) 𝐾5


Question 8 (a): What is the solution of the following recurrences relation
an = an-1 + 2an-1, n > 2 
with a0 = 0, a1=1
(b) an =2n an-1, n > 0 with initial condition a0 =1

Question 10: Determine the number of subsets of a set of n element, where n > 0

Question 11: Show that K5 is not a planar graph.


Object Oriented Analysis and Design-Practice Questions


Question 1: What is OOAD? Explain why OOAD of software system should be preferred.
Question 2: What is class diagram? How it is different from Object diagram? Draw class diagram for Online Examination System.
Question 3: Explain advantage of use case diagram? Draw use case diagram for Online Examination System.
Question 4: Draw a sequence diagram for payment using Mobile Wallet for shopping in a retail store.
Question 5: (a) What is inheritance? Explain its advantages.
                         (b) Explain Aggregation with the help of an example.
Question 6: Explain relation of functional model with object model and dynamic model.
Question 7: Draw a DFD upto 2nd level for Online Examination System of an University. Make necessary assumptions required.
Question 8: Write short note on followings (minimum in 250 words)
i) Object ID and Persistency
ii) Issues in Concurrency Control
iii) State diagram
iv) Integrity Constraints

Design and Analysis of Algorithms-Practice Questions


Question 1: Write a context free grammar to generate palindromes of even length Over alphabet Σ = {a, b}.

Question 2: Write the finite automata corresponding to the regular expression        (a + b)*ab

Question 3: Derive the principle of optimality for multiplication of matrix chain.

Question 4: Compute the optimal number of scalar multiplications required to multiply the following matrices
 A1 of order 30 X 35 ; A2 of order 35 X 15 ; A3 of order 15 X 5

Question 5: Explain the Chomsky’s Classification of grammars.

Question 6: What is an ambiguous grammar? How do you prove that a given grammar is ambiguous?     Explain with an example.

Question 7: If L1 and L2 are context free languages then, prove that L1 U L2 is a context free language.

Question 8: Define Pushdown Automata
Question 9: Explain Decidable and Undecidable Problems. Give example for each.

Question 10: Construct a Turing machine that copies a given string over {a, b}.Also find a computation of TM for the string ‘aab’.

Question 11: Explain the importance of asymptotic analysis for running time of an algorithm.

Question 12: Differentiate between NP-Complete and NP-Hand problems.

Question 13: Find the asymptotic tight bound for
T(n) = 2T (𝑛4) + √𝑛 , with T(1) = 1.

Question 14: Write Quick Sort Algorithm. Prove that worst case for Quick Sort is worst case for Bubble Sort. Analyze the average case running time of Quick Sort Algorithm. Sort the following sequence of numbers, Using Quick Sort: 15, 10, 13, 9, 12, 7 Find the number of Comparisons Copy/Assignment Operations required by the Algorithm in sorting the list.
Question 18: Give a Greedy solution for the change making problem, to the make payment of amount 15597 considering the denominations
{1000, 500, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1 }.

Question 15: Compare the Dynamic programming technique and Greedy technique for solving problems given below
Consider an array A = {3, 14, 27, 31, 39, 42, 55, 70, 74, 81, 85, 93, 98}.
(i) What is the largest number of comparisons made by binary search for any key in array A?
(ii) Find the average number of comparisons made by binary search for a successful search in array A.
(iii)Find the average number of comparisons made by binary search for an unsuccessful search in array A.

Question 16: Write Short Note on Divide and Conquer Techniques. Give suitable example for it. Discuss the Tournament sort algorithm and determine its Recursive and Iterative expression, is Divide and Conquer Technique applicable to Tournament Sort, if Yes Discuss how if No discuss why?

Advanced Database Management Systems-Practice Questions



Question 1:

Consider a small training institute in which students register for skilled based program offered by the institute. A program can be full or a part-time or both. Every student necessarily registers in at least one program and at most four programmers. Faculty also can be full time or part time or both. A faculty can conduct not more than 3 courses per semester.

(a) Draw the EER (extended ER) diagram for the above organization showing all entities, relationship, aggregation, generalization /specialization and convert it into relational schemas

(b) Draw the appropriate tables and relationship among the tables for the above diagram and normalize the tables up to 3NF

(c) Identify weak entity sets in the above diagram if any. How will you convert a weak entity set to a strong entity set? Illustrate.

(d) Identify multi valued dependency in the above diagram.

Question 2: 

Create an XML schema for the list of the courses to be offered in the second semester of MCA and their details (like, consumer code, consumer name, number of credits, assignments makes TEE marks)

Question 3:

How will you enforce referential integrity constraints in Oracle? Explain with the help of an example?

Question 4:

Draw a simple Use Case diagram for a library system and explain?

Question 5:

(i) What are triggers and cursors and their uses? Explain with the help of an example for each.

(ii) Write a trigger that restricts modifying an employee table beyond 2 hrs overtime per day.

Question 7:

What are the parameters for measuring cost for performing a query. Discuss the algorithm and the related cost of performing selection operation?

Question 8:

Explain SQL related security commands?

Question 9:

Explain clustering in data mining?

Question 10:

What the help of a suitable example, explain insertion and deletion anomalies.

Question 11:

How is the check pointing information used in the recovery operation in case of the system crash in DBMS.

Question 12:

Consider the following database

Employees ( emp-name, streets, city, age)

Working( emp-name, department)

Designation ( emp-name, designation, salary).

Write the relational algebraic expressions and SQL statements for the following queries:

(a) Find the name, street & cities of all employees working for department D1 and D2 as section  officers and earning salary more then 30000

(b) Find all the employees who are working as Deputy Registrar and living in the same cities.

Question 13:

How does PostgreSQL perform storage and indexing of tables? Also discuss the type of indexes in PostgreSQL?


Data Communication and Computer Network -Practice Questions



Question 1:

(a) What are the main differences between connectionless and connection oriented communication?

(b) What are the essential differences between packet switching and message switching? Explain with   the help of a suitable diagram.

Question 2:

A system has 𝑛-layer protocol hierarchy. Applications generate message of length M bytes. At each of the layers, an h byte header is added. What fraction of the network bandwidth is filled with headers?

Question 3:

State the Nyquist theorem. For what kind of physical medium it is applicable? Will it work for a noisy Channel?

Question 4:

Define the throughput expressions of Aloha and Slotted Aloha. Also draw throughput Vs load graphs for the above protocols.

Question 5:

(a) Explain hidden station and exposed station problems in WLAN protocols with the help of an illustration. What is the limitation of CSMA protocol in resolving the above problems? Explain the use of virtual channel sensing method as a proposed solution.

(b) Sketch the differential Manchester encoding for the bit stream: 0011111010111. Assume the line is initially in the low state.

Question 6:

Draw the Ethernet frame format and explain its fields. Is there any limitation on a maximum and minimum frame size of Ethernet frame? Explain.

Question 7:

How does the Border Gateway. Protocol work? Explain it with the help of a diagram. How does it resolve the count to infinity problem that is caused by other distance vector routing-algorithms?

Question 8:

Draw the header format of TCP and explain the followings fields: ACK bit, RST bit & PSH bit, and Flags.

Question 9:

Explain the window management scheme in TCP through an illustration.

Question 10:

Discuss the Silly Window Syndrome which cause degradation of TCP performance. What is the proposed solution? Explain.

Question 11:

Explain the terms: bit rate, baud rate and bandwidth with the help of an example. Also draw modulation schemes for the followings: (i) QPSK (ii) QAM-16 and describe.

Question 12:

What are the differences between leaky bucket and token bucket algorithm? How is token bucket algorithm is implemented? Explain.

Question 13:

How does DES work? Explain.

Operating Systems- Practice Question



Question 1:

A time sharing system is to be designed to support a large number of users. List all the considerations which influence the choice of the time slice. Justify each consideration.


Question 2:

(a) List the conditions under which memory allocation decisions can delay the initiation or scheduling of a program.

(b) Consider the following set of processes with arrival time and CPU execution time given in milliseconds. A process with a larger priority number has a higher priority. If any assumptions made by you, state them.




Arrival Time

Execution Time























(i) Draw the Gantt charts illustrating the execution of these processes using the FCFS, SJF, Round Robin(with quantum = 2).

(ii) Also calculate the average turn around time, average waiting time, processor utilization and throughput for each of the algorithms mentioned in (i).


(c) Explain the trade-offs involved in choosing the size of a time slice for a round

robin algorithm.


Question 3:

Describe the following disk scheduling policies: First Come First Serve (FCFS), Shortest Seek Time First, SCAN, C-SCAN, Look and C-Look. Show the disk arm movement and calculate the number of tracks traversed using all of the policies if the disk has 200 tracks and the requested tracks, in the order received, are 65, 48, 39, 08, 99, 164, 152, 38, 124.


Question 4:

(a) The Cigarette-Smokers Problem: Consider a system with three smoker processes and one agent process. Each smoker continuously rolls a cigarette and then smokes it. But to roll and smoke a cigarette, the smoker needs three ingredients: tobacco, paper, and matches. One of the smoker processes has paper, another has tobacco, and the third has matches. The agent has an infinite supply of all the three materials. The agent places two of the ingredients on the table. The smoker who has the remaining ingredient then makes and smokes a cigarette, signaling the agent on completion. The agent then puts out another two of the three ingredients, and the cycle repeats. Write an interactive C/C++ program to synchronize the agent and the smokers, using semaphores.


(b) The Sleeping Barber Problem: A barbershop consists of a waiting room with n chairs and the barber room containing the barber chair. If there are no customers to be served, the barber goes to sleep. If a customer enters the barbershop and all chairs are occupied, then the customer leaves the shop. If the barber is busy but chairs are available, then the customer sits in one of the free chairs. If the barber is asleep, the customer wakes up the barber.


  1. Write a C / C++ program to coordinate the barber and the customers, using semaphores.
  2. Consider the Sleeping-Barber Problem with the modification that there are k barbers and k barber chairs in the barber room, instead of just one. Write a program to coordinate the barbers and the customers.


Question 5:

Discuss in detail the features, Process management, Memory management, I/O Management, File management and Security and Protection in Android Operating System (latest version).



Friday, September 28, 2018

Parallel Computing-Practice Questions



Question 1: Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three interleaved memory organisations: the S-access, the C-access and the C/S-access for pipelined vector processing. In the comparison, you should be concerned with the issues on effective memory bandwidth, storage schemes used, access conflict resolution and cost-effective tradeoffs.


Question 2: Explain the following system features associated with the Illiac-IV, the BSP, and the MPP array processors: (a) Multi-array configurations of the Illiac-IV (b) The prime memory for the BSP (c) The bit-slice operations in the MPP (d) Concurrent scalar-array operations in the BSP (e) Concurrent I/O and arithmetic logic operations in the MPP (f) The staging memory configurations in the MPP (g) Host computers for the Illiac-IV, the BSP, and the MPP (h) The I/O facilities in the Illiac-IV, the BSP and the MPP.

Numerical and Statistical Computing-Practice Questions


Question 1: Obtain the positive root of the equation x2 – 1 = 0 by Regular Falsi method.
Question 2: Apply Gauss – Eliminaiton method to solve the following sets of equation
                  x + 4y – z = -5 ; 
                  x + y – 6z = -12 ;
                  3x –y – z = -4
Question 3: Use method of Lagrange’s interpolation to find f(0.16), for Given function f( x) = sin(x)  where f (0.1) = 0.09983, f (0.2) =0.19867. Also, Find error in f (0.16).
Question 4: Given 𝑑𝑦/𝑑𝑥= y - x, where y(0) = 2. Find y(0.1) and y(0.2), correct to four decimal places, using Runge-Kutta Second Order method.    
Question 5: A farmer buys a quantity of cabbage seeds from a company that claims that approximately 90% of the seeds will germinate if planted properly. If four seeds are planted, what is the probability that exactly two will germinate?  

Question 6: Suppose that the amount of time one spends in a bank to withdraw cash from an evening counter is exponentially distributed with mean ten minutes, that is λ = 1/10. What is the probability that the customer will spend more than 15 minutes in the counter?
Question 7: Compute the approximate derivatives of f(x) = x2 at x = 0.5
for the increasing value of h from 0.01 to 0.03 with a step size of 0.005 using :
(i) first order forward difference model
(ii) first order backward difference model.   
Question 8: Find the root of the equation x3 – x – 1 = 0 lying between 1 and 2 by Bisection method.
Question 9: A problem in statistics is given to the three students A, B and C, whose chances of solving it are ½, ¾, and ¼ respectively. What is the probability that the problem will be solved?
Question 10: A partially destroyed laboratory, the record of an analysis of correlation data, the     following results are legible :
Variance of X = 9 Regression equations:
           8X - 10Y + 66 = 0 ; 
          40X - 18Y - 214 = 0
        (i) The mean values of X and Y
        (ii) The correlation coefficient between X and Y
        (iii) Standard deviation of Y
 Question 11: An individual's IQ score has a Normal distribution N (100,152).                              Find the probability that an individual IQ score is between 91 and                            121.  
Question 12: What do you mean by term "Goodness to fit test"? What for the said                        test is required?   

Artificial Intelligence and knowledge Management-Practice Questions



Q1 State and justify the validity of following inference rules 

     (i) Chain rule

     (ii) Simplification


Q2 Transform the FOPL statement given below into equivalent conceptual graph.

     ∀ x  has wings (x) Λ Lays eggs (x) is_Bird (x))  


Q3 Determine whether each of the following sentences are satisfactory,     contradictory or valid

     (i) P Λ Q) V ~ (P Λ Q)

     (ii) (P Q) ~ P


Q4 Transform the following in to CNF (Any two)

      (i) ~ (CD) V (C Λ D)

      (ii) ~ (XY) Z

      (iii)P (~ CQ R))


Q5 With the help of a suitable example, describe the “member” function of PROLOG. How  searching of a data in a list, recursively.  


Q6 What is Turing Test? If the machine passes Turing Test, does it mean that the system is intelligent? What are the associated problems with Turing Text? What are required improvements/advances to overcome these problems?


Q7 Transform the following conceptual graph in to FOPL statement

[PERSON: Anita] (AGENT) [DEINK] (OBJECT) [Food: MILK] (Instrument Glass)


Q8 Describe ‘Means-ends Analysis’ as problem solving technique.


Q9 Write a recursive program is LISP to find factorial of a number given by the user?


Q10 How a language for artificial intelligence differs from normal programming languages? Give name of three languages frequently used as programming language for developing Expert System

Q11 What do you mean by term “Agents” in Artificial Intelligence? Classify the various types of agents.


Q12 Briefly describe the term “Truth Maintainance System – TMS”.


Q13 Explain the following logic concepts, if required use suitable

examples (Any two):

    (i) Modus Tollens

    (ii) Satisfiable statement

    (iii) Resolution principle in proposition logic


Q 14 Give conceptual dependency representation of the sentence give below:

       “Mohan will eat pizza from the plate with fork and knife”


Q 15 Compare and contrast the following:

       (i) Frames and scripts

       (ii) Informed search and uniformed search

      (iii) Abductive inference and Analogical inference

      (iv) A* algorithm and AO* algorithm 


Q16 Define following properties of propositional statement:

(i) Satisfiable

(ii) Contradiction

(iii) Valid

(iv) Equivalent

(v) Logical consequence


Q17 What is meant by ‘Closed Word Assumption’? Where is it used in AI?


Q18 Write short notes on any two of the following:

    (i) Expert systems

    (ii) Non Deductive Inference rule

    (iii) Methods to deal with Uncertainty in knowledge systems


Q19 Explain the difference between Forward and Backward Chaining. Under which situation which mechanism is best to use, for a given set of problems?

Q20 Express the following knowledge as a semantic network structure with Interconnected nodes      and   labeled arcs. “Ram is Vice President of ABC Company. He is married to Raj and has a male child RamRaj. RamRaj Goes to school. Ram plays golf and owns a silver color German made car Mercedez Benz”



Advanced Internet Technologies- Practice Questions

MCS 051

Q1 Make a JSP page that randomly select a background color for each request.

Q2 Explain the benefits offered by EJB component architecture to application developers and  customers.

Q3 What are the benefits of using entity bean over directly using JDBC APIS to do database  operations? Also discuss when should we use one over the other.

Q4 Explain four basic mechanisms through which a web client can authenticate a user to a web server during HTTP authentication.

Q5 What is DTD? Why do we use it? Write a XML DTD to represent for following product details :

product –ID
Type of products:- five different types of product
price, discount offer –(Yes / No)

Q6 Write a web based feedback application where the registered customers should be able to login with the customer-ID and provide a feedback about the product. Design a suitable form and do coding of the buttons. You are required to use JSP, Servlet and JDBC.

Q7 What are the advantages of using Java’s multi layer security implementation.

Q8 Explain various circumstances under which a message driven
      bean should be used.

Q9  Write a code in JSP to insert records in a student table with fields: student- ID, student-name, program, semester, student address using JDBC. Assume that the student table is created in database. Create records with the above fields in thee database.

Q10 Design a login page and write code for login button using JSP.

Q11 Create a database of 10 records in customer tables with field (customer-ID, customer-name, customer- phone, customer- address) in Oracle Write a program using Sevelet and JDBC that will display all the records of the customer in ascending order of customer-ID.

Principles of Management and Information Systems -Practice Questions


Q1 List the advantages and limitations of data mining to support an Information system? Also, discuss the importance of business intelligence. Explain how “Big Data Technology” is affecting data mining.

Q2 What are the different criteria which are used in “decision making”. Explain how quality of information improves the knowledge and decision making capability of the people.

Q3 Elaborate the importance of security in Information System and explain the various measures against the threats to the system. Also, discuss the importance of information security policies and information security plan.

Q4 Explain the significance of ERP in contemporary business environment? Explain, how an ERP is different from conventional packages? Also, describe the components of an ERP system.

Q5 Explain how system analysis approach is different in new system requirement compared to the existing system. What problems does the system analyst face in ascertaining the information requirement at the various levels of Management?

Q6 Discuss the significance and requirements of EIS (Executive information system) and ESS (executive support system). Also, explain the differences between MIS and EIS.

Q7   (a) What is “Copyright‟ protection? Explain its relevance in computer                   applications.
       (b) Explain the concept of data warehousing. Also, discuss its need in  modem           business.

Q8 Explain the significance of Knowledge Management. Discuss the issues to be considered for successful implementation of knowledge management.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

IGNOU Solved Assignment 2018-2019 MCA

Computer Graphics MCS 053 



Q Write Midpoint Circle Generation Algorithm. Computer coordinate points of circle drawn with centre at (0,0) and radius 5, using midpoint circle algorithm.

Solution: Ref link 

Q Discuss the Taxonomy of projection with suitable diagram. How Perspective projection differs from Parallel projection. Derive a transformation matrix for a perspective projection of a point P (x,y,z) onto a x=4 plane as viewed from E (6, 0, 0)


Solution Ref link 


Write Bresenham line drawing algorithm and DDA algorithm? Compare both algorithms and identify which one is better and why? Draw a line segment joining (4, 8) and (8, 10) using both algorithms i.e. Bresenham line drawing algorithm and DDA algorithm.


Solution Ref link 


Q What is Bezier Curve? Discuss the Role of Bernstein Polynomial in

Bezier Curve. How Bezier curves contribute to Bezier Surfaces? Prove the following properties of Bezier curve.

(i) P(u=1) = Pn (ii) P’(0) = n (P1-P0)

Given four control points PO (2, 2) P1 (3, 4) P2 (5, 4) and P3 (4,2) as vertices of Bezier curve. Determine four points of Bezier Curve.


Solution Ref link 


Q What is the advantage of using homogenous co-ordinate system over

Euclidean coordinate sstem? Consider the square ABCD with vertices A(0, 0),B (0, 2),C (2, 0), D (2, 2). Perform a composite transformation of the square by performing the following steps. (Give the coordinates of the square at each steps).

(i) Scale by using 𝑆x=2 and 𝑆y = 3

(ii) Rotate of 450 in the anticlockwise direction

(iii) Translate by using 𝑇x = 3 and 𝑇y = 5

Solution Ref link 


Q Derive the 2D-transformtion matrix for reflection about the line y=mx, where m is a constant. Use this transformation matrix to reflect the triangle A (0,0) ,B(1, 1), C(2 ,0) about the line y=2x.

Solution Ref link 


Q Explain the scan line polygon filling algorithm with the help of suitable diagram.


Ans scan-line algorithm scopes for  the intersection points of the scanline with each edge of the area to be filled. It scans from left to right, identifying pair of intersections and pixels with specific color intensity. Even number of pixel correspond to interior of polygon whereas odd number intersection do not correlate with interior of polygon. This algorithm works by intersecting scanline with polygon edges and fills the polygon between pairs of intersections. The following steps depict how this algorithm works.





 Ref diagram, scanline B intersects five polygon edges whereas scanline A intersects four polygon edges. But there is a difference. For scanline B, the two intersecting edges sharing a vertex are an opposite side of the scanline but for scanline A, the two intersecting edges are both above the scan line. In scanline B,extra processing

would be required. One intersection point is stored if two intersecting edges sharing a vertex are opposite to scanline else two intersection points are stored.


Step 1. Sort the polygon sides on the largest y-value.

Step 2. Start with largest y-value and scan down the polygon.

Step 3. For each y, determine which sides can be intersected and find the x values               of these intersection point.

Step 4. Sort, pair and pass the x- values of the line drawing routine



Q  What is the role of light in computer graphics?

Ans In order to generate visibility the presence of light is one of the basic requirements. It is obvious that without light and the interaction of light with objects, we would never see anything at all. A study of the properties of light and how light interacts with the surfaces of objects is hence vital in producing realistic images in Computer Graphics.
So before considering the production of images to be used in animation or any other application it is worth studying some of the basic properties of light and colour and also to introduce the modeling of the interaction of light with surfaces in Computer Graphics because attainment of realism is one of the basic motives of computer graphics and without considering the effect of light the same cannot be achieved.


Q Discuss the lamberts cosine law?

Ans Lambert's cosine law: “LAMBERTS COSINE LAW” states that the radiant energy from any small  surface area dA in any direction θ relative to the surface normal is proportional to Cos θ. In case of diffused reflection the source is directional but reflection is uniform. Say, Id → Intensity of incident diffused light. Then as per the Lambert’s law the intensity of reflected light (I) will be α cos θ. Where, θ = Angle between unit direction of incident light vector and unit normal to the surface (or angle of incidence).

I = Kd Id cos θ

Kd → diffused reflection coefficient.

0 ≤ Kd ≤ 1

I= Kd Id (N.L)


I α cos θ ⇒ less θ leads to more reflection &more θ leads to less reflection

cos θ = cos θ (Q| N|&| L | are)


An important consequence of Lambert's cosine law is that when an area element on the surface is viewed from any angle, it has the same apparent brightness. This is because although the emitted intensity from an area element is reduced by the cosine of the emission angle, the observed size (solid angle) of the area element is also reduced by that same amount, so that while the area element appears smaller, its brightness is the same. For example, in the visible spectrum, the Sun is almost a Lambertian radiator, and as a result the brightness of the Sun is almost the same everywhere on an image of the solar disk. Also, a perfect black body is a perfect Lambertian radiator.


Q Explained  ambient, diffused and specular reflection. Give general mathematical expression of each.

Ans The light intensity Ia of the ambient light source is distributed constantly throughout the scene. • The reflected ambient light I at a surface point can be written as I = ka · Ia where ka is the ambient reflection coefficient. • The ambient reflection coefficient is a constant out of the range [0,1]. • It represents the material property of the illuminated object.

As ambient lighting is not directed, uni-colored and uni-material objects still appear in one color. • Still, only the silhouettes can be perceived. • The color of the object depends on the amount of reflected light defined by the reflection coefficient.

This term is called the ambient reflection term and is modeled by a constant term. Again the amount of ambient light reflected is dependent on the properties of the surface.It is to be noted that if Ia → intensity of ambient light; Ka → property of material (Ambient reflection coefficient ka , 0 < ka < 1) then resulting reflected light is a constant for each surface independent of viewing direction and spatial orientation of surface.

Say, Ia → Intensity of ambient light.

I → Intensity of reflected ambient light

It is assumed that Ia ≠ 0 (Q Ia = 0 ⇒ These does not exit any light)

I α Ia ⇒ I = Ka Ia ; Ka → constant ; 0 ≤ Ka ≤ 1

Ka = 0 ⇒ object has absorbed the whole incident light.

Ka = 1 ⇒ object has reflected the whole incident light.

0 ≤Ka ≤1 ⇒ object has reflected some and absorbed some light.

Diffuse reflection

Lambert‘s law: The reflected light intensity I at a point p on a surface is proportional to cos θ, where θ is the angle between the vector l pointing from p to the light source and the surface normal n in point p.

The reflected diffuse light I at a surface point p is given by I = IP · kd · cos θ = IP · kd · (n•l) where IP is the intensity of the diffuse light source and kd is the diffuse reflection coefficient (and assuming that l is normalized). • The diffuse reflection coefficient is a constant out of the range [0,1] and represents the material property of the illuminated object.

This model assumes that the light source sends out directed light and is of infinitely small extent (point light source). • Obviously, I=0 if n•l < 0. Taking this into account, we should write: I = IP · kd · max(n•l,0)

Attenuation: • Light intensity that spreads from a light source with finite extent decreases with increasing distance rP to the light source. • We need to add an attenuation factor fatt(rP). • We obtain: I = IP · kd · fatt(rP) · max(n•l,0). • Physical law: fatt(rP) ~ 1/rP2. • In practice, we use: fatt(rP) = min (1/(c0 + c1 · rP+ c2 · rP2),1) with real constants c0 , c1 , and c2.

The combined effect of ambient and diffused reflection is given by

I = Ia Ka + Id Kd cos θ = Ia Ka + Id Kd (N. L)

Specular reflection

Specular reflection models reflection at shiny surfaces

  It adds highlights to the illumination.

   Phong‘s specular reflection model is based on perfect mirror reflection of light rays: r: direction of reflection rule: α = β  Specular reflection depends on viewpoint: Specular reflection is highest, if viewpoint is in direction r

illumination = Ambient + Diffuse + Specular


Q What is frame buffer?

A framebuffer is a portion of RAM containing a bitmap that drives a video display. It is a memory buffer containing a complete frame of data. Modern video cards contain frame buffer circuitry in their cores. This circuitry converts an in-memory bitmap into a video signal that can be displayed on a computer monitor. The Frame Buffer which is also called the Refresh Buffer or Bitmap. It is the refresh storage area in the digital memory, in which the matrix (array) of intensity values and other parameters (called attributes) of all the pixels making up the image are stored in binary form.In a Raster Scan System, the Frame buffer stores the picture information, which is the bit plane (with m rows and n columns).

The storage area in a raster scan display system is arranged as a two-dimensional table. Every row-column entry stores information such as brightness and/or colour value of the corresponding pixel on the screen. In a frame buffer each pixel can be represented by 1 to 24 or more bits depending on the quality (resolution) of the display system and certain attributes of the pixel. Higher the resolution, better the quality of the pictures. Commands to plot a point or line are converted into intensity and colour values of the pixel array or bitmap of an image by a process called Scan Conversion.

The display system cycles through the refresh buffer, row-by-row at speeds of 30 or 60 times per second to produce the image on the display. The intensity values picked up from the frame buffer are routed to the Digital/Analog converter which produces the necessary deflection signals to generate the raster scan. A flicker free image is produced by interlacing all odd-numbered scan lines that are displayed first from, top to bottom and then, all even-numbered scan lines that are displayed. The effective refresh rate to produce the picture becomes much greater than 30 Hz.


Q How frame buffer is different from the display buffer?

The  Display buffer in Random Scan System, stores the picture information. Further, the device is capable of producing pictures made up of lines but not of curves. Thus, it is also known as “Vector display device or Line display device or Calligraphic display device”.

2) In a Raster Scan System, the Frame buffer stores the picture information, which is the bit plane (with m rows and n columns).Because of this type of storage the system is capable of producing realistic images, but the limitation is that, the line segments may not appear to be smooth.


Q How a frame buffer is used for putting colour  and controlling intensity of any display device?

Framebuffers have traditionally supported a wide variety of color modes. Due to the expense of memory, most early framebuffers used 1-bit (2-color), 2-bit (4-color), 4-bit (16-color) or 8-bit (256-color) color depths. The problem with such small color depths is that a full range of colors cannot be produced. The solution to this problem was indexed color which adds a lookup table to the framebuffer. Each color stored in framebuffer memory acts as a color index. The lookup table serves as a palette with a limited number of different colors.

In some designs it was also possible to write data to the LUT (or switch between existing palettes) on the run, allowing dividing the picture into horizontal bars with their own palette and thus render an image that had a far wider palette. For example, viewing an outdoor shot photograph, the picture could be divided into four bars, the top one with emphasis on sky tones, the next with foliage tones, the next with skin and clothing tones, and the bottom one with ground colors. This required each palette to have overlapping colors, but carefully done, allowed great flexibility.


Q Why shading is required in computer graphics? Briefly discuss the role of  interpolation technique in shading.

Ans: We need shading as during  transformation of the 3D image into a 2D image there is a possibility of loss of information like depth, height, etc., of an object in the scene. So to preserve this we take different Illumination models into consideration, for preserving the information embedded in 3D scene & let it not be lost while transforming it in to 2D scene.

Role of interpolation technique in shading: Here polygon is rendered by linearly interpolating intensity values across the surface. Intensity values for each polygon are matched with the values of adjacent polygons along the common edges, thus eliminating the intensity discontinuities that can occur in flat shading.Calculations to be performed for each polygon surface rendered with Gourand shading:

1) Determine average unit normal vector at each polygon vertex.

2) Apply illumination model to each vertex to calculate the vertex intensity.

3) Linearly interpolate the vertex intensities over the surface of the polygon)

To determine average unit normal vector at each polygon vertex:

At each polygon vertex (as shown by point V in the figure), the normal vector is

obtained by averaging the surface normal of all polygons sharing that vertex. Thus, for

any vertex V the unit vertex normal will be given by Nv

K → 1 to n are the surfaces in contact with the vertex v.

Q Compare intensity interpolation and normal interpolation? Which interpolation technique contributes to which type of shading?


Ans Intensity interpolation is also known as Gourand Shading: It removes the intensity discontinuities associated with the constant shading model. Deficiencies: Linear intensity interpolation can cause bright and dark streaks called Mach bands to appear on the surface, these mach bands can be removed by using Phong shading or by dividing the surface into greater number of polygon faces. Note: In Gourand Shading because of the consideration of average normal, the intensity is uniform across the edge between two vertices. So on comparison both of interpolation techniques have some pros and cons.


Q Which Shading technique is better Phong shading or Gourand shading, Why?


Ans In Gouraud shading we were doing direct interpolation of intensities but a more accurate method for rendering a polygon surface is to interpolate normal vectors and then apply illumination model to each surface. This accurate method was given by Phong and it leads to Phong shading on Normal vector interpolation shading.


Q Write Z-buffer algorithm for hidden surface detection. Explain how this algorithm applied to determine the hidden surfaces.


Ans In z-buffer algorithm every pixel position on the projection plane is considered for determining the visibility of surfaces w. r. t. this pixel. On the other hand in scan-line method all surfaces intersected by a scan line are examined for visibility. The visibility test in z-buffer method involves the comparison of depths of surfaces w. r. t. a pixel on the projection plane. The surface closest to the pixel position is considered visible. The visibility test in scan-line method compares depth calculations for each overlapping surface to determine which surface is nearest to the view-plane so that it is  declared as visible.

The process of identifying and removal of these hidden surfaces is called the visible-line or visible-surface determination, or hidden-line or hidden-surface elimination.

There are two fundamental approaches for visible-surface determination, according to whether they deal with their projected images or with object definitions directly. These two approaches are called image-space approach and object-space approach, respectively. Object space methods are implemented in the physical coordinate system in which objects are defined whereas image space methods are implemented in screen coordinate system in which the objects are viewed. In both cases, we can think of each object as comprising one or more polygons (or more complex surfaces). The first approach (image-space) determines which of n objects in the scene is visible at each pixel in the image. The pseudocode for this approach looks like as:

for(each pixel in the image)


determine the object closest to the viewer that is passed by the projector

through the pixel;

draw the pixel in the appropriate color;


This approach requires examining all the objects in the scene to determine which is closest to the viewer along the projector passing through the pixel. That is, in an image-space algorithm, the visibility is decided point by point at each pixel position on the projection plane. If the number of objects is ‘n’ and the pixels is ‘p’ then effort is proportional to n.p.

The second approach (object-space) compares all objects directly with each other within the scene definition and eliminates those objects or portion of objects that are not visible. In terms of pseudocode, we have:

for (each object in the world)


determine those parts of the object whose view is unobstructed (not blocked)

by other

parts of it or any other object;

draw those parts in the appropriate color;

}Z-buffer method, detects the visible surfaces by comparing surface depths (z-values) at each pixel position on the projection plane. In Scan-line method, all polygon surfaces intersecting the scan-line are examined to determine which surfaces are visible on the basis of depth calculations from the view plane. For scenes with more than one thousand polygon surfaces, Z-buffer method is the best choice.


Q What is animation? How it is different from Graphics?


The word Animation is derived from ‘animate’ which literally means ‘to give life to’, ‘Animating’ a thing means to impart movement to something which can’t move on its own. It is a  time based phenomenon for imparting visual changes in any scene according to any time sequence, the visual changes could be incorporated through translation of object, scaling of object, or change in colour, transparency, surface texture etc.

Here, lies the basic difference between Animation and graphics. The difference is that animation adds to graphics, the dimension of time, which vastly increases the amount of information to be transmitted, so some methods are used to handle this vast information and these methods are known as animation methods down below is broad description of methods of animation combined into a film.

Second method: Here, the physical models are positioned to the image to be recorded. On completion the model moves to the next image for recording and this process is continued. Thus, the historical approach of animation has classified computer animation into two main categories:

  1. a) Computer-assisted animation usually refers to 2D systems that computerise the traditional animation process. Here, the technique used is interpolation between key shapes which is the only algorithmic use of the computer in the production of this type of animation equation, curve morphing (key frames, interpolation, velocity control), image morphing.
  2. b) Computer generated animation is the animation presented via film or video, which is again based on the concept of persistence of vision because the eye-brain assembles a sequence of images and interprets them as a continuous movement and if the rate of change of pictures is quite fast then it induce the sensation of continuous motion.

Low level techniques (motion specific)

Techniques used to fully control the motion of any graphic object in any animation scene, such techniques are also referred as motion specific techniques because we can specify the motion of any graphic object in scene, techniques like interpolation, approximation etc., are used in motion specification of any graphic object.

High level techniques (motion generalized)

Techniques used to describe general motion behavior of any graphic object, these techniques are algorithms or models used to generate a motion using a set of rules or constraints. The animator sets up the rules of the model, or chooses an appropriate algorithm, and selects initial values or boundary values.


Q Explain how acceleration is simulated in animation? Discuss all the cases ie zero acceleration, positive acceleration, negative acceleration and combination of positive and negative acceleration.


Ans Little mathematics  is needed to describe simulation of acceleration in animation. As the motion may be uniform with acceleration to be zero, positive or negative or non-uniform, the combination of such motions in an animation contributes to realism. To impart motion to a graphic object, curve fittings are often used for specifying the animation paths between key frames. Given the vertex positions at the key frame, we can fit the positions with linear or non-linear paths, which determines the trajectories for the in-between and to simulate accelerations, we can adjust the time spacing for the in-betweens.

Different ways of simulating motion are listed below:

Zero Acceleration (Constant Speed)

Non-Zero Accelerations

Positive accelerations

Negative accelerations or Decelerations

Combination of accelerations

Zero Acceleration (Constant Speed): Here, the time spacing for the in-betweens (i.e., in-between frames) is at equal interval; i.e., if, we want N in-betweens for key frames at time Ta and Tb, then, the time interval between key frames is divided into N+1 sub-intervals leading to in-between spacing of Δ T given by the expression


Tj = Ta + J* Δ T


Note: A linear curve leads to zero acceleration animation.

Non-Zero Accelerations: This technique of simulating the motion is quite useful introducing the realistic displays of speed changes, specifically  at the starting and completion of motion sequence. To model the start-up and slow-down portions of an animation path, we use splines or trigonometric functions (note: trigonometric functions are more commonly used in animation packages, whereas parabolic and cubic functions are used in acceleration modeling).

  • Positive Accelerations: In order to incorporate increasing speed in an animation the time spacing between the frames should increase, so that greater change in the position occur, as the object moves faster. In general, the trigonometric function used to have increased interval size the function is (1-Cos Θ) ,0<Θ<Π/2 .

Negative Accelerations: In order to incorporate decreasing speed in an animation the time spacing between the frames should decrease, so that there exist lesser change in the position as the object moves. In general, the trigonometric function used to have increased interval size the function is Sin Θ ,0<Θ<Π/2.

Combination of Positive and Negative accelerations: In reality, it is not that a body once accelerated or decelerated will remain so, but the motion may contain both speed-ups and slow-downs. We can model a combination of accelerating – decelerating motion by first increasing the in-between spacing and then decreasing the same.

Δ T=time difference between two keyframes =Tb-Ta


Q What is windowing transformation? Discuss the real life example where we can apply the windowing transformation?

Ans Let us first understand the terms window and viewport before knowing windowing transformation as a whole.


Window: A world coordinate area selected for display (i.e. area of picture selected for viewing).

Viewport: An Area or a display device to which a window is mapped.


  • Window defines what is to be viewed and viewpoint defines where it is to be displayed.
  • Often window and viewpoints are rectangles in standard position with edges parallel to  coordinate axes. Generalised shapes like polygon etc., take long to process, so we are not considering these cases where window or viewport can have general polygon shape or circular shape. The mapping of a part of a world coordinate scene to device coordinates is referred to as Viewing Transformation. In general 2D viewing transformations are referred to as window to viewport transformation or windowing transformation.

Q Write and explain the pseudocode for Sutherland Hodgman polygon clipping algorithm.


Ans Any polygon of any arbitrary shape can be described with the help of some set of vertices associated with it. When we try to clip the polygon under consideration with any rectangular window, then, we observe that the coordinates of the polygon vertices satisfies one of the four cases listed in the table shown below, and further it is to be noted that this procedure of clipping can be simplified by clipping the polygon edgewise and not the polygon as a whole. This decomposes the bigger problem into a set of subproblems, which can be handled separately as per the cases listed in the table below. Actually this table describes the cases of the Sutherland-Hodgman Polygon Clipping algorithm.


Q Explain any five of the following  terms with the help of suitable diagram/example if needed.

  1. Ray tracing:Ray tracing follows all rays from the eye of the viewer back to the light sources. This method is very good at simulating specular reflections and transparency, since the rays that are traced through the scenes can be easily bounced at mirrors and refracted by transparent objects. We will discuss these concepts Reflection/Refraction/ transparency when we reach the section of ray-tracking.
  2. Ray casting:Ray casting is a method in which the surfaces of objects visible to the camera are found by throwing (or casting) rays of light from the viewer into the scene. The idea behind ray casting is to shoot rays from the eye, one per pixel, and find the closest object blocking the path of that ray – think of an image as a screen-door, with each square in the screen being a pixel. This is then the object the eye normally sees through that pixel. Using the material properties and the effect of the lights in the scene, this algorithm can determine the shading of this object. The simplifying assumption is made that if a surface faces a light, the light will reach that surface and not be blocked or in shadow. The shading of the surface is computed using traditional 3D computer graphics shading models. Ray casting is not a synonym for ray tracing, but can be thought of as an abridged, and significantly faster, version of the ray tracing algorithm. Both are image order algorithms used in computer graphics to render three dimensional scenes to two dimensional screens by following rays of light c)
  3. Object-space approach in visible surface detection:Object-space approaches use the directions of a surface normal w.r.t. a viewing direction to detect a back face. Image-space approaches utilize two buffers: one for storing the pixel intensities and another for updating the depth of the visible surfaces from the view plane. A method, which uses both object-space and image-space, utilizes depth for sorting (or reordering) of surfaces. The methods in this category also use image-space for conducting visibility tests. While making visibility tests, coherency property is utilized to make the method very fast.
  4. Audio file formats: An audio file format is a container format for storing audio data on a computer system. There are numerous file formats for storing audio files. The general approach towards storing digital audio formats is to sample the audio voltage in regular intervals (e.g. 44,100 times per second for CD audio or 48,000 or 96,000 times per second for DVD video) and store the value with a certain resolution (e.g. 16 bits per sample in CD audio). Therefore sample rate, resolution and number of channels (e.g. 2 for stereo) are key parameters in audio file formats.

Types of Formats

It is important to distinguish between a file format and a codec. Though most audio

file formats support only one audio codec, a file format may support multiple codecs,

as AVI does.

There are three major groups of audio file formats:

Common formats, such as WAV, AIFF and AU.


Formats with lossless compression, such as FLAC, Monkey's Audio (filename

extension APE), WavPack, Shorten, TTA, Apple Lossless and lossless Windows

Media Audio (WMA).


Formats with lossy compression, such as MP3, Vorbis, lossy Windows Media

Audio (WMA) and AAC.